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Craft A Cheap & Easy Sunburst-Style Door Wreath For Autumn

I'm sure i've probably mentioned this before, but I'm a sucker for a door wreath. They are such a brilliant decoration to celebrate an occasion/season, and they really add serious kerb appeal to your home. Everyone loves to walk past and look at a home with a beautiful door wreath don't they?

Autumn provides the easiest and the cheapest opportunity for a door wreath, as you can pick the supplies up scattered all around outside in the street! Conkers, acorns, dried leaves in a multitude of reds, yellows and browns are all great to use on a home-made Autumn wreath, so it's a great craft to do with kids as you can get them to run around sourcing all the bits!

To make an Autumn door wreath at home you will need:

What you use to make your door wreath with is optional, but you will need some twine, a polystyrene ring and a hot glue gun. Craft stores sell polystyrene rings for a couple of pounds each, and the hot glue gun I use is a mini glue gun which costs a fiver. These glue guns are just brilliant as hot glue really sticks stuff, so even heavy conkers are stuck down easily and won't budge.

The first thing you need to do is cut off some twine and tie it around the ring so you can hang your wreath on your door. It also acts as a kind of marking point for the top of the wreath when you are making it.

Turn the wreath over, then with the glue gun stick some dry leaves around the edges to create a 'sunburst' effect. I find that Maple leaves provide the prettiest dried leaf in Autumn:

Once you have created your sunburst effect, turn your wreath ring over to the correct side and gradually add leaves in order in a circle, pressing the leaves down to cover the entirety of the ring. Cut the stems off the leaves as you go as these are not required:

On my wreath I added four layers of leaves - one brown, one yellow and one green layer of Maple leaves. I then added in some oak leaves inside the centre of the ring.

Use the larger leaves on the outside of the ring, and smaller leaves towards the middle.

Once you have your leaf base, use the glue gun to stick on any Autumnal elements. On mine, I used clusters of conkers and acorns with their cups on. If you are going to use acorns with cups, stick the cups on with the glue gun as these will just fall off naturally over time otherwise:

And here I am adding my super cheap and easy Autumn door wreath to my front door!

It took about an hour to put together, and I paid out only for the polystyrene ring and some glue for the gun, so it cost me less than a fiver to make (of course if you need to buy the glue gun in the first place it will cost a bit more.)

I love the Autumnal colours of the wreath, and coming home and seeing the wreath on the door.

What would you use to make up an Autumn wreath? Let me know in the comments section below!

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