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Make Geometric Artwork That Matches Your Decor With Tester Paint Pots

My finished paint tester pot DIY artwork

After painting my living room a lovely blue recently (full room reveal coming soon!) I wanted to add some geometric artwork that matched the modern pattern on my new cushions, as well as matching the walls and the blush pink tones I'd added into the overall scheme.

I'd been inspired by some of the SS17 art prints for Marks & Spencer at their press show at the end of last year, but didn't really want to part with any extra cash (the room revamp having cost enough already.)

Abstract Bridges wall art for M&S

I had a bunch of left-over blue tester pots from when I was deciding what colour to paint my living room, so thought I would set out attempting to make my own artwork. By using these tester pots the colours in the artwork would complement the wall colour perfectly, as they would be from the same colour palette.

First off I drew out a rough sketch in a pad of how I might like the art to look. Once I had decided, I then drew this design with pencil on a large piece of card using a ruler (for the circles I drew around plates and mugs!)

Using low-tack tape, I outlined the sharp edges of my penciled shapes (the aim being to get a clearer, sharper line than just by painting free-hand.)

I then applied two coats of one colour paint in each shape.

For shapes where I could not use tape, I used a good quality brush (with no frazzled bristles) and gently painted inside the pencil lines.

I removed tape as I went along and applied it to the next shapes. Once dry, I added a cheap Ikea frame and hung it on the wall! The whole thing took me a couple of hours one evening and was pretty enjoyable to make.

What do you think of DIY artwork? Do you create your own artwork in your home? Let me know in the comments section below!

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