5 Easy Ways To Save Energy Within Your Home

Energy saving lamps Tala

Energy-saving lightbulbs from sustainable lighting brand Tala last over ten years and can reduce your energy bill.

Saving energy is a priority for everyone right now. With the cost of living crisis, we all want to know what changes we can in order to avoid those crushing gas and electricity bills. Unless you embrace an off the grid lifestyle - generating your own energy and freeing yourself from the weight of modern life - you may want to look into some green living practices to reduce your energy consumption.

As the nights draw in and we start to move into autumn and fall, now is an excellent time to consider how to make changes within your home to make it more energy-efficient. To conserve energy, consider following these five tips to save money and reduce the amount of energy that you use.

Use energy-saving appliances

Some appliances within your home may use a lot of electricity - this will increase your bills. New models tend to be more energy-efficient than their older counterparts, so consider this when making a new purchase. Check the power consumption on items such as refrigerators, washing machines and dishwashers that are rated from A to G (with A being the best). Home equipment, such as ducted reverse cycle heating systems, can be utilised as they are energy efficient with low running costs.

log burner

Seal your doors and windows with draught tape

Applying draught tape is a budget-friendly way to stop heat from escaping - and cold external air from accessing - your home. Draught tape has a self-adhesive backing, so it is easy and quick to apply. It is also waterproof, windproof and has excellent ageing resistance, so it should last a long time once installed. Position draught tape around all of your windows and doors where air leakage may occur.

Use solar panels and water heaters

Solar panels have the potential to reduce energy usage by 75%. Usually mounted on roofs to harness the energy of the sun, they may be a large initial investment (although the cost of solar panels is going down), but they will pay for themselves over time. The more solar panels you install, the more money you will save on energy costs, but they cannot be installed on flat roofs - “solar panels need to be positioned at a 30-40° angle to generate renewable energy”, states Taylor's, who provide solar PV installation services.

Collect rainwater in a freestanding water butt to water plants in pots.

Adopt rainwater harvesting 

Rainwater is a natural resource that can be used in numerous ways. Drip irrigation is one such device that uses rainwater to convey water via roof pipes or buckets and distribute it to plants without human intervention. This rainwater collection device can reduce the frequency with which plants are watered and control the amount of water distributed so overwatering does not occur. Rainwater can also be conserved in water butts during the wetter seasons.

Installation of a smart meter

To avoid leaving the heating on longer than necessary, consider installing a smart meter within your home. These smart devices can be configured to only turn on at specific times of the day, so they might be used to heat the house before you arrive home from work or turn on just before you wake up in the morning during winter. They are essential devices for anyone worried about their carbon footprint and those concerned about the growing expense of their energy bills and want to reduce them. They are also a fantastic way to keep track of your overall power use and make you aware of any expensive energy overconsumption habits.