I Won! All The Details of the Amara Interior Blog Awards 2016 Where I Took Home An Award!!

If you follow my social media feeds you may well have seen that on Thursday night, at the Ham Yard Hotel in London, I won an Amara Interior Blog Award for Best DIY & Crafts Blog!

Earlier in the year Amara opened up nominations for this annual celebration of interior bloggers, and this blog got nominated for the Best DIY & Crafts Blog Award, along with around 30 other blogs. The next part was the voting stage, so I campaigned furiously to try and get into the final 5 blogs that would be shortlisted to attend the ceremony, and be assessed by the very capable judges who are at the top of their game within the interiors industry. Completely and honesty I thought I had no chance of getting shortlisted as my blog had only been going a few months back then and I was still learning.

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How To Throw A Chic Autumn Dinner Party With LSA International Glassware

If there is one thing to make me add a restaurant to my 'never to return' list (apart from no-reservation policies - what is all that about???), it's serving me a glass of wine in the kind of tumbler you used to get your water in with your school dinner. Being a grown up, and probably paying way over a fiver for a glass of wine, I'm pretty partial to having it in a decent glass. As you can imagine, when LSA International (the official sponsor of the Amara Interior Blog Awards 2016) wanted to gift me some of their glass pieces for making the Best DIY & Craft Award shortlist, I was delighted! LSA International are celebrating 50 years of production this year, and you can see why their products are still regular features on wedding gift lists with their beautiful collections of handblown glass, porcelain, leather, wood and enamelled steel.

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